Tuesday 21 April 2015

Typical Scottish Expressions

When you arrive in Scotland everything is new in the beginning. Even if you have extraordinary English skills you will probably get difficulties in understanding typical Scottish expressions. For me, sentences like "We can have a wee dram" - "Bring your pal" , "Can you give me a clothe, please?" have been a mystery for a really long time. In order to make at least a few words easier for you, you can find a short list of expressions in this text. 
pal - friend
wee - small, little (wee beirn = little Baby; wee chat = smalltalk)
dram - going out for a drink
clothe - sponge
wido - annoying person, nag (Bahve, ya wido!)
widnae - would not
doughball - idiot
pished - drunk
wheech - taking something away (Don't wheech it!) 
The most common word in Scotland may be "wee". Here, they use it for everything. I hope this list helps you a bit :)

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